COMP3003P [at Georgia Tech]

GT/GE Coding Boot Camp-Digital — The Georgia Tech Coding Boot Camp will partner with GE Digital to develop a tailored six month-training program for its tech and non-tech workforce. The program will build and expand on the proven Georgia Tech Coding Boot Camp Curriculum that has been successfully taught to 7,500 students across 350+ classes. Graduates of the GE Digital Coding Boot Camp will be trained in industry leading technologies and best practices in the areas of software development, web technologies, cloud scalability, deployment tools, testing, security, and software maintainability. This program will help GE Digital to bring renewed skills to its existing workforce and enable them to transfer their expertise into new domains. All participants will receive a certificate of completion from Georgia Tech Professional Education. The first class will launch in June 2018 and last for six months.

No prereqs

Taught by nobody this semester.

No sections!