CS4290 [at Georgia Tech]

Advanced Computer Org, 3 credit hours — Topics concerning the hardware design of computer systems. Advanced techniques in high-performance pipelined central processing units. Memory and I/O systems. Parallel processors including shared-memory multiprocessors and cluster computers. Credit is not allowed for both CS 4290 and any of the following courses: CS 6290, ECE 4100, ECE 6100.

Prereqs: One of:

Taught by:

Main sections


Taught by Moinuddin Qureshi. CRN is 82185, [view on OSCAR].

  • 9:30AM-10:45AM in Success Center room 152 every Tuesday, Thursday


Taught by Divya Mahajan. CRN is 92337, [view on OSCAR].

  • 3:30PM-4:45PM in Klaus Advanced Computing room 2447 every Tuesday, Thursday