Dsgn Exp (DOE) I Fund — .A properly designed experiment should be efficient, informative, and directional. Sadly, technical professionals are almost never taught the rigorous techniques of experimentation that allow them to make informed, statistically meaningful decisions. This course introduces students to the long-lost technique of factorial experimentation where, upon course completion, a student will be almost certain to exclaim, “why was I never taught this in school?!” In this course, you will learn how to efficiently derive a mathematical representation of a complex system that can be used to inform you about system behavior, predict outcomes with statistical confidence, and direct innovation in a meaningful way. In addition, this course will provide hands-on experience through Statapults, simulations, and case studies. A brief introduction into specialized DOE software will also be used as a means to gain experience into the tools DOE practitioners use to build and analyze their experiments.
No prereqs
Taught by nobody this semester.