ENER3100P [at Georgia Tech]

ISO 50001 Enrgy Lead Aud Train — Learn to approach ISO 50001 from the professional auditor’s point of view by focusing on key audit skills that enhance auditing capability. In addition to learning how to audit the common elements of management systems, such as Management Review and Corrective Action, this course also covers auditing energy performance, which is an important skill unique to ISO 50001. A pre-course is included so that learners can refresh their knowledge of energy basics and ISO 50001 requirements. The ISO 50001 Lead Auditor exam is administered by the Association of Energy Engineers (AEE). To take this exam, you must fill out an online application available on the AEE website. Please contact the Certification Director, Francine Seskin, at [email protected] for any certification or exam related inquiries. For more information see the AEE website, www.aeecenter.org.

No prereqs

Taught by nobody this semester.

No sections!