SEP-Perfom Verifier Train — This four-week online course will prepare you to become a Superior Energy Performance (SEP) Performance Verifier. You will learn how to apply energy-efficiency engineering and statistics to the functions of a performance verifier to consistently and fairly assess plant energy performance improvement and conformance with the SEP program requirements. Two 1.5 hour webinars will be held each week. The SEP Performance Verifier exam is administered by the Institue for Energy Management Profesisonals (IEnMP). In order to take this exam, you must fill out an application and register with IEnMP. Please contact the operations manager via email at [email protected] to inquire about scheduling and taking this exam. For more information see the IEnMP website, Required prerequisite(s): CPEnMS Certification: Must pass both Core and Industrial sections of the CPEnMS exam and submit all experience information and transcripts to IEnMP.
No prereqs
Taught by nobody this semester.