ESLR700L [at Georgia Tech]

Acad Reading Discussion 2 (38) — Most US university courses require a great deal of reading. For example, teachers may ask you to read 30-60 pages for each class in addition to whatever reading you may need to do for independent research projects. For this reason, it is extremely important that you are able to read college level texts effectively and efficiently. This course is designed to help you improve your reading skills in preparation for the demands of US university classrooms. In this course, you will learn how to read and discuss college level texts, specifically textbook chapters and academic research articles. The ultimate goal of this course is to provide you with the knowledge, strategies, skills, and confidence necessary to read and discuss college level texts on familiar and unfamiliar topics. In addition to receiving instruction in reading strategies, you will receive instruction in note-taking and developing critical thinking skills. You will also receive instruction in locating and selecting credible texts using library databases for research purposes.

No prereqs

Taught by nobody this semester.

No sections!