Best Practices SHE Trainers — Ready to design workplace safety and health training that learners are excited to attend? Being an effective safety, health and environmental trainer today requires understanding and applying the fundamentals of adult education. Whether training is a new job responsibility or you’re a seasoned safety professional, this workshop-based course will equip you to train on safety and health topics with confidence and enthusiasm. You can no longer train with the “I’ve been doing this forever. I’ll wing it philosophy!” In this four-day course, you will learn the skills, knowledge, and techniques for the design, development, delivery, evaluation, and management of an effective regulatory training program. You are encouraged to bring materials you are currently working on to assist with completing the course exercises. You must also bring a laptop and flash drive to assist in researching materials for your course project. This course will also serve as a review for the BSCP Certified Instructional Trainer (CIT) Certification and will incorporate references from the ANSI/ASSP Z490.1(2016) Criteria for Practices in Safety, Health and Environmental Training textbook with discussions based on ANSI/ASSP Z490.2(2019) Accepted Practices for E-Learning in Safety, Health and Environmental Training.
No prereqs
Taught by nobody this semester.