MFG2105P [at Georgia Tech]

Food Micro Control Hazards — Microorganisms are vital to food production and can be beneficial to things like baking, brewing, and fermentation. They can also be harmful by creating spoilage or illness. In fact, pathogenic organisms are considered a major biological hazard and strictly regulated by both the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Federal Drug Administration (FDA). They are a mandatory part of every Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) and Food Safety Plan and must be controlled in order to produce safety, high-quality food. In this 5-hour self-paced, online (asynchronous) course, you’ll receive an introduction to microorganisms and their relationship with food production. You’ll also learn the governmental requirements around microbiological contamination and how to incorporate controls into your Food Safety Plan to prevent contamination. Note: The course contains knowledge checks and a score of 70% or higher must be earned on each knowledge check to successfully pass the course.

No prereqs

Taught by nobody this semester.

No sections!