VET² - Workforce Integration — The transition into a new career is one of the most challenging and stressful times in the professional lives of service members and veterans. Transitions are a period of acute vulnerability, because new employees lack established working relationships and a detailed understanding of how their role aligns with the new organization’s culture. The Georgia Tech Veterans Education Training and Transition (VET2) - Workforce Integration course provides a blueprint for dramatically condensing the time it takes a veteran to successfully integrate into the civilian workplace, regardless of their military rank, time in service, or occupational skillset. This one-day classroom course examines threats or “risks” to successfully integrating into the new organization. It also teaches a method for managing and controlling risk. Throughout the course, you'll develop your interpersonal communication skills and understanding as you work in small groups on case studies facilitated by the instructor. Required prerequisite(s): PD 1011P - VET² - Military Transitions to the Workforce
No prereqs
Taught by nobody this semester.